Well of course being in the business of selling bag making supplies I am going to say the best place is right here at Me Made Makes :) but obviously I can't stock everything needed to make bags I wish I had a studio big enough so I thought we could go on a tour of other suppliers I use and what my favourite items are.

Fabrics and vinyls.
BST fabrics. Have a wide range of all types of fabrics is an aladins cave for any type of sewist and even better for me it's just down the road in South shields.
Sew fabrics Darlington. Again another fantastic heavenly place for any fabric addict. Amanda has a wide range of all fabrics, she is really helpful and if she doesn't have what you need she will do her best to find it.
Rainbow of Stitches. Has a great range of printed and plain vinyls with excellent customer service too. A family run business you just can't got wrong to pay their website a visit.
Man Made UK Embroidery Craft Sewing.
These guys have a fab range of faux leather, real leather and embroidery suppliers with a super helpful Facebook group to boot.
Cracker fabrics
Shirley's faux leather is some of the best I have used its super soft and she has a fantastic range of colours too. Her Facebook group is where all her products can be found
Immanuel Fabrics. If you have watched Bank of Dave on Netflix lately I am sure you will have heard of Burnley, but it's famous for other reasons it's home to the amazing Immanuels. Housed in a old Chapel it's literally packed to the rafters with all types of fabrics and faux leathers if you can't find it here it doesn't exist. They also have a stall at South shields market on a Saturday morning.
Little stitcher sews. Stock a wide range of thread including tex 40
Waterproof canvas. This is the water proof canvas that I use exclusively it comes in so many colours and I love it https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/112850164347?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KbWKjhcyTpK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=awkq0mrvscw&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Rivet press, dies and rivets etc. I have used a few different places and always come back to the trimming shop great customer service and a wide choice.
I hope this list has been helpful and I will add to it if I find other suppliers.
Until next time.
Deb x